Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Weekly Reminders

It's Area & Region audition week!! Do you know your music?

We will be working on music during class as well as after school on Tuesday for 9/10 and on Thursday for Area. Let us know if you would like to work other times or during advocate period.

A sheet with reminders for Saturday's auditions is posted in the files to the right. The sheets are available in the choir hall as well. Know what you need to bring and when you need to LEAVE Saturday morning-THE TIMES ARE DIFFERENT FOR AREA AND 9/10!! We are still looking for one or two more chaperones to make the trip to Waco with us. Please let us know if your parent is willing to join us!

We asked students today for information on their parents' employment. This was in reference to possibly offering "corporate" tables for the Taste of Christmas Concert in December. If you or your business/place of employment would be willing to purchase a table for the dessert dinner, please let us know. We will have prices and numbers soon.

Thank you for your support of the AMCHS Choral Program!

Let's make it a great week!

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