Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Weekly Reminders

Today after school is a 9/10 Region Rehearsal from 4:00-5:30.

Thursday after school is an Area Rehearsal from 4-5:30.

If students would like additional help, both directors are here everyday before and after school. We can work with small groups or individuals, and we are happy to provide a CD player and practice room for independent practice. All you have to do is ask!!

Friday night EVERYONE is singing the National Anthem at the home football game. Wear your CHOIR t-shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. Come in the gate at 6:45. Tell them you are with the choir. We will sing at 7:30 and then we are done!

Our first choir concert of the school year is Monday, October 19th in the AMC Theatre. Students are to arrive, in uniform  at 6PM in the choir hall. The concert will begin at 7PM. It should be a wonderful performance! Uniform for Women is their provided choir dress, black panyhose, and FLAT black CLOSED toe shoes. Uniform for Men is their provided choir tuxedo, black socks, and black dress shoes. We also recommend that men wear a white t-shirt/undershirt underneath their tux shirt as it can get pretty warm on stage. Let us know if you have any questions about concert attire.

Students, remember it is YOUR responsibility to make up any missed work (such as singing tests) and let us know of any conflicts AHEAD of time. Pre-Approved Absence Request forms are available in the choir room.

Let's make it a wonderful week!

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