Friday, October 23, 2009

Area Auditions and 9/10 Region Auditions

These auditions are NEXT Saturday, October 31st (yes, Halloween . . barring any disasters we will be back in time for you to trick or treat!!)

For AREA students (students that advanced from 9-12 Region Auditions)
You will leave AMCHS at 6AM
              Arrive at 8 AM @ Midway HS in Waco, TX
                             -Register, warmup, audition
              At 12 NOON you will find out the results, eat lunch and depart
              You should be back in CS by 2:30 PM

For 9/10 REGION students
You will leave AMCHS at 9:30AM
            Arrive at 11:30 AM in Waco, TX to eat lunch
            At 12:30 PM @ Midway HS in Waco, TX
                          -Register, warmup, audition
            At 4 PM you will find out the results and depart
            You should be back in CS by 6PM

You may bring homework, a pillow, or something to read/do while you are waiting to audition or find out results. IPods, Cellphones, laptops, and other electronic/noisemaking devices are NOT ALLOWED in the audition location. If you are found using one of these items, even in the restroom, you will be DISQUALIFIED.

Wear your choir T-shirt, Jeans, and Tennis shoes. NO PAJAMAS!! Remember you are representing our school and our choir program, so make a good impression with your appearance and behavior.

We still need a few parents to go with us! If you or your parent are willing to go, let Mr. Angel or Miss Davis know!

We will remind you about these things again next week!

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the cool weather!!

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