Monday, October 19, 2009



Hopefully everyone enjoyed the wonderful weather this weekend!

Tonight is our concert. Choir members need to arrive at 6PM in the Choir Hall in their uniform. For ladies this means their choir dress, black pantyhose, and FLAT black closed-toe shoes. For gentlemen this means their choir tux, vest, jacket, BLACK socks, and black dress shoes. Additionally, choir members with long hair need to have it pulled up and back out of their face. Ladies are strongly encouraged to wear eye and lip makeup at the very least. Although I know having to pull hair up and wear make-up may seem like a hassle, it is so our choir members faces' and expression can be seen from the audience without being washed out by the lights or covered up by their hair. The less distraction, the better.

We would like to remind both our choir members and our audience members that cell phones, ipods, or other noise-making devices need to be turned off and out of sight. Our choirs have been working very hard the past few weeks and need to be able to show off their accomplishments. If there are any questions about our expectations for the concert, feel free to download and read the Choir Concert Expectations document to the right.

This week we will also be working Region and Area music. 9/10 Region will rehearse Tuesday afternoon and Area will rehearse Thursday afternoon. Remember that the choir directors are available to work with individuals or small groups, just ask us and schedule a time in advance!!

This Wednesday Letter Jacket Forms are due. If your child would like a Choir Letter Jacket, have them come get a form from one of the directors.

Also, we are offering a second round of sponsorships, so if you or your student still needs to raise funds for Austria, they can continue to seek out donations from local businesses and friends. In order to be placed in the Christmas Concert Program, ads and sponsorships need to be in by November 24th (the Tuesday before Thanksgiving!)

The choir program will be sending out letters to those going on the Choir Tour to Austria. Please check over the information in those letters and help us correct anything that is wrong. Also be sure to get the first installment paid before the end of October!

Let's make it a great week!

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