Monday, November 9, 2009

Weekly Reminders

2nd Six weeks' report cards come out this week. Final grades go in TOMORROW at noon, so if you are missing anything, get it made up NOW! Students, you/your parents have access to your grades via the Pinnacle website, so it is YOUR responsibility to keep up with your grades.

Today Chorale will be singing with Bryan and Rudder choirs at the George Bush Library. Students are excused from 7th period and need to be at the library at 3:45 to rehearse. Wear your MAROON Tiger T-shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes with NO jewelry and hair tied back! Dr. Rice will begin speaking at 5:30 and we will probably sing around 6:30. The plaza is open to the public, so if family or friends would like to watch the choir, you may do so. Hope for no rain!

Saturday is the Region Clinic and Performance at Baylor University. We will leave AMCHS at 6:30 AM. The concert begins at 5 and is open to family and friends. We will leave around 6:30 and hopefully be back to the high school by 8:30. Wear your choir t-shirt, jeans,  and tennis shoes. Bring your music, choir folder, a pencil, a water bottle, a jacket (might be cold in rehearsals), and your uniform WITH ALL ITS PIECES!! You should really enjoy the clinicians. You may leave after the concert with YOUR parents only if either Ms. Davis or Mr. Angel sees you and the parent. Do not leave without permission.

Let's make it a great week!

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